We (the Meta Peace Team International Exploratory Team), are
privileged to be here as part of this marvelous campaign of nonviolent
resistance at Standing Rock Oceti Sakowin Camp in North Dakota. The nonviolent
campaign is resisting the final leg of construction of the Dakota Access
pipeline near the Reservation that would threaten their water.
In a time of much darkness, with fossil fuel corporations
ravishing the land in their greed to grow richer, and the Trump presidency
about to begin, it is a story of effective resistance against a mountain of
odds working against them. The astounding news came on December 4 that the
Obama administration denied the permit necessary for the Dakota Access Pipeline
to be completed.
Summertime view of the pipe being installed |
We're talking about holding up billions of dollars of
profit. The pipeline, costing $3.8 billion to build, would transport 470,000
barrels of oil a day across four states extending 1,172 miles.
Over the past months, local and state police have viciously
attacked the nonviolent Water Protectors with water cannons in freezing
weather, with attack dogs, clubs, rubber bullets, tear gas, mace, and threats.
Temperatures in the camp have reached below zero at times. More than 500 were
arrested over the past few months. A few hundred have been injured.
Then the Army Corps of Engineers gave a December 5 deadline
for the Water Protectors to leave their camp site that is on Corp-managed land.
North Dakota Governor Jack Dalrymple issued an emergency evacuation order
following on the Army Corp of Engineers order. Even with this threat, they have
not been able to make the Water Protector community back down or withdraw.
December 5 was looking like a horrible assault about to happen.
The compound they built to drill under the lake |
Then came the stunning Army Corps of Engineers announcement
on December 4 that the permit to drill and lay the pipe under the riverbed is
denied. The pipeline construction was at a halt. Energy Transfer Partners and
Sunoco Logistics Partners, the corporations behind the pipeline are expressing
anger at this affront to their power.
How did the Standing Rock Sioux Nation do it? Not armed with
guns, knives, violent weapons of any kind in the Oceti Sakowin Camp near the
pipeline construction.
They built the resistance camp community with prayer, Sacred
Fire ceremonies, and their spirit of reverence for all people and the earth.
They displayed courage and nonviolent discipline in the face of great violent
force. They welcomed all who come in support and oriented them to this spirit
of respect and mutual taking care of one another.
The campaign used the media effectively. The many facets of
media displayed pictures of the brutal attacks, and the courage of the people,
and this inspired many across the country and beyond to respond.
They put out the call for support from Native people across
the country, and they came. They called all people of good will to come join
them. May of the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation are U. S. military war
veterans. They put out the call to veterans of America to come. And thousands
came. To top it off, a contingent of 5,000 vets organized by Wesley Clark Jr.
was on its way to be there December 4 -7, when the forced evacuation was to
take place.
The local enforcement leaders acknowledged that they didn't
have the resources to forcibly remove so many thousands from the camp.
This is a great victory, in the ongoing struggle. Energy
Transfer Partners insists the pipeline will be completed. Maybe the route will
be altered, far away from Reservation land. But if they pursue the present
site, we know they have an ongoing battle with the great nonviolent force of
the Standing Rock Sioux Nation and thousands who stand with them. They have
inspired people throughout the world today.
- Elliott Adams and Peter Dougherty